Canadian pharmacy students and interns unified for excellence, advocacy and academics in pharmacy.


Frequently Asked Questions.

Below are some of the most common questions that students ask regarding the similarities and differences between each pharmacy school and council

Question 1: What is the current application process and requirements for your pharmacy program? 

[ensure to scroll right to see the other school’s responses]

Question 2: How many students are currently admitted into the first year of your program? [Note: Some schools have reserved spots for out-of-province applicants.]

Question 3: How many years is your pharmacy program currently?

Question 4: What is the timeline of your program currently?

Question 5: What is the current timeline of your rotation schedule?

Question 6: What is the structure of your local CAPSI council? What positions do you have?

Question 7: What events are hosted by your local CAPSI council?


For any questions relating to jurisprudence please refer to

If you have any further questions or think of information that would be beneficial to include on this document please contact your respective CAPSI local representatives.

Last Updated: January 2019