Canadian pharmacy students and interns unified for excellence, advocacy and academics in pharmacy.

Local CAPSI – University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo


About Us

UW CAPSI is active in both our student and our local community. We promote high quality educational seminars to supplement our learning, raise awareness about relevant issues in our community, and nurture a positive attitude and generosity among our members. We encourage all students to dream big, aim high and take chances in seeking new opportunities!



Local Reps

Local Events for the Year


Waterloos Next Top Pharmacist

Get dressed to the nines for one of our most anticipated events of the year. Featuring a professional wear and costume wear catwalk, this charity mock-beauty pageant also highlights a drug spelling bee and a talent showdown! Who will take home the crown?



Summer Membership Event: Outdoor Movie Night

UW CAPSI is hosting a big screen under the stars to beat the heat for our CAPSI members. Students can grab popcorn & drink and a fresh BeaverTail while catching the hottest summer flick on a picnic blanket with some friends.



UW CAPSI Competitions

Students can participate in a variety of competitions for the opportunity to compete nationally at Professional Development Week, from OTC Competition, Patient Interview Competition, Student Literature Competition, Compounding Competition, and Advice for Life.



Pharmacy Awareness Month

You can look forward to our annual free breakfast event, interprofessional case studies, symposium, discussion panels, an Evidence-Based Medicine competition, elementary school visits, social media challenges, numerous fundraisers and free prizes – all in the month of March!



IPSF Campaign

Each year IPSF runs a health campaign promoting a specific national concern. Participate in a lunch and learn, social media contests and IPE event in an education week in partnership with a National Health Organization.



OTC Week

Get ready for a week of learning focusing on all things over-the-counter medications! Activities include OSCE Tips & Tricks, Mock OSCEs, Dinner & Learn and OTC Trivia Night for students to feed their brain and challenge their knowledge.



Vampire Cup

In a year long head-to-head competition schools across Canada challenge each other to be the top donator of blood to the Canadian Blood Services. This encourages the increase in blood donations to Canada’s lifeline.